Exhibitor Profile

The Proteinn Club
The ProteInn Club is a collaborative initiative between Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (https://www.bbeu.org/), the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (ILVO) (https://ilvo.vlaanderen.be/en/), Ghent University (https://www.ugent.be/en), and CAPTURE (https://capture-resources.be/). In the shift towards more sustainable proteins, interest in alternative, fermentation-based proteins is growing massively. Fermentation-derived proteins, produced through microbial fermentation processes, encompass both biomass fermentation ('single-cell protein') and precision fermentation. At The ProteInn Club, we believe that these proteins offer vast market potential and substantial benefits in terms of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use, and resource efficiency. Our ambition is to facilitate innovations and accelerate the growth of the fermentation-based protein landscape by identifying, supporting, and inspiring the entire ecosystem. By connecting partners along both the value chain and the innovation chain, we aim to raise awareness about fermentation-derived proteins as essential components in the transition to a circular bioeconomy and a sustainable food system. Members of our Industrial Sounding Board are positioned at various points within the value chain of fermentation-based proteins. This includes companies developing fermentation processes, those producing side streams that can be used as a feedstock in fermentation processes, and companies interested in incorporating fermentation-based proteins into their end products. Our ecosystem thus brings together raw material providers, fermentation technology owners, end-users, governmental bodies focused on the protein transition, excellent knowledge institutes, and world-class research and demonstration infrastructure. During regularly organized club meet-ups, the core team engages with the full Industrial Sounding Board to discuss the latest developments in the fermentation-based protein landscape. These meet-ups serve as platforms for exchanging ideas, sharing progress, and identifying new opportunities within the ecosystem. By facilitating these connections and discussions, The ProteInn Club aims to drive innovation and collaboration. As the enthusiasm for alternative, fermentation-based proteins continues to surge, The ProteInn Club is dedicated to providing knowledge and solutions to those eager to embrace opportunities and tackle the challenges of the ongoing protein transition. Join us to share your insights, offers, ambitions, questions, or needs, and discover our network today!
The Future of Protein Production Amsterdam!
The World's Leading Event For Sustainable Protein Production