
future of protein production with plates with healthy food and protein

Karin Verzijden

Life sciences lawyer, partner
AXON Lawyers

Karin is a partner with the Amsterdam based life sciences law firm AXON, where she focuses on innovative foods. Her core expertise is to assist companies with the market introduction of these products, with a particular focus on alternative protein. This includes qualification of new ingredients and advice on the best possible regulatory pathway, such as for Novel Foods and GMO’s. Karin is familiar with the authorities supervising these types of products and assists in enforcement actions where needed. Karin futhermore drafts a variety of commercial contracts in her field of expertise and litigates where need may be. She reports current legal and regualtory developments at www.foodhealthlegal.eu.


The Future of Protein Production Amsterdam!

Europe's Meeting Place For Alternative Protein Production Solutions

October 23 - 24 2024 | RAI Amsterdam