
future of protein production with plates with healthy food and protein

Ronald Visschers

Cellulaire Agricultuur Nederland

Ronald Visschers has more than 25 years of experience shaping, managing, and executing public-private innovation programs for the food sector. Covering important topics such as taste and texture of protein gels, efficient harvesting of leaf protein, 3D food printing and consumer engagement, Ronald is always active at the forefront of food innovation. Trained as researcher and seasoned in the field, Ronald brings new and challenging ideas and concepts first to the table and then to reality. Since April 2024 Ronald leads the Foundation Cellular Agriculture Netherlands (CANS) and the national growth fund that invests a total of 85M public and private in this developing sector. The aim is to make cellular agriculture a new innovation-flagship and a future pillar for Dutch economics by facilitating tasting events, boosting research, developing a skilled working force with dedicated education programs, and facilitating effective scale-up of production with two dedicated open-access facilities hosted by CANS.


The Future of Protein Production Amsterdam!

Europe's Meeting Place For Alternative Protein Production Solutions

October 23 - 24 2024 | RAI Amsterdam